10 Crucial Steps Most Organic Gardeners Forget About REPLAY

a 12-minute introduction to Permaculture Gardening


Join backyard permaculturist, Nicky Schauder in this introduction to key concepts in permaculture design,

The 10 Crucial Steps Workbook and helpful notes are also included when you sign-up.


And discover what the 10 crucial steps are!

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    Nicky & Dave Schauder

    Co-Founders of Permaculture Gardens

    About Permaculture Gardens

    Permaculture Gardens is an online resource for families wanting to grow their own food in their backyards!

    We teach permaculture gardening through our educational blogs and gardening webinars. But more than that, we show you how you can "Grow It Yourself" through our GIY, our personalized backyard gardening program. Inside Grow-It-Yourself / GIY, we take you by the hand so you can maximize your organic backyard yields one step at a time.

    After this 12- minute video you will learn:

    • How to view your garden in 10-dimensions instead of just 1 or 2
    • A little more about what permaculture means
    • Have concrete analog tools (no need for more than pen, ruler and paper) from which to create your own backyard design
    • Get a sneak peek into a permaculture garden app called SAGE that helps you design digitally